ClusterJ Primary Server


The Primary Server (PS) is a tomcat running the clusterj-cluster-manager-api.war (CCMA).

  • 1: the client
  • 2: machine physical or virtual
  • 3: tomcat
  • 4: CCMA
  • 5: The setup database (SDB)

Execution flow from the client

Basically, the PS receives the client request and routes it to a node in a machine:

  1. The client makes a request with these parameters:
    1. cluster token: the token identifying the cluster
    2. uri: .war and endpoint
    3. query string in GET requests
    4. body in POST requests
    5. http header with the clusterj session token
  2. The PS:
    1. Receives the request
    2. Picks a machine with more resources available from the in-memory singletons that holds data for clusters and machines
    3. Calls the endpoint at the chosen machine
  3. The TS
    1. Receives the request from the PS
    2. Process the request
    3. Sends the response to the PS
  4. The PS
    1. Receives the response from the TS
    2. Sends the response to the client

At a lower level, the CJCMA handles the request

  1. Clients calling from the Internet
  2. PS
  3. TS
  4. Tomcat in PS
  5. Tomcat hosting CJNMA
  6. CJNMA
  7. Node Tomcat, that is, the tomcat hosting the user’s .wars
  8. The SDB
  9. Client request
  10. PS request to the CJNMA: node installation, startup/shutdown, machine statistics
  11. SDB update from CJCMA: cluster creation, user authorization, cluster details, node details

More on this trail

ClusterJ Architecture

Secondary Server

Tertiary Server

The Account Manager Api

ClusterJ Security