ClusterJ Tertiary Server


  1. Client
  2. Primary Server (PS)
  3. Machine with the Secondary and Tertiary Servers
  4. Tomcat running CJCMA
  5. Tomcat running CJNMA
  6. Tomcat running the user’s .wars
  7. CJCMA
  8. CJNMA
  9. User’s .war
  10. Client request
  11. Client request routed to tertiary server that is the node tomcat

Execution flow

This is where the cluster system magic happens.

The client request the execution of an endpoint in his .war and that request is routed to the machine with more resources available:

  1. The client sends a request to the PS in the proper format
  2. The PS receives the request
  3. The PS loops the nodes in the cluster
  4. The node installed in the machine with more resources available is selected
  5. The PS sends a request to the selected node
  6. The node returns a response to the PS
  7. The PS return the response to the client

More on this trail

ClusterJ Architecture

Primary Server

Secondary Server

The Account Manager Api

ClusterJ Security