Setup database install

ClusterJ supports Mysql 8.0.41-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 (Ubuntu).

After you have your mysql up and running, follow this steps:

Create the clusterj_accounts database

Use a mysql user with privileges to create databases and restore backups

Login in your mysql and create this database:

CREATE DATABASE clusterj_accounts CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
Download clusterj-setup-database-backup.sql

Save it to a folder accessible by your mysql client

Restore the backup in the clusterj_accounts database
use clusterj_accounts;source clusterj_accounts_backup.sql;

This will create the clusterj_accounts database with its tables, indexes and stored procedures

GitHub repository

ClusterJ uses stored procedures to handle data.

You can clone the stored procedures and Mysql Workbench model from GitHub.

ClusterJ uses the Adapter design pattern to handle the stored procedures

You can clone the Setup Adapter from GitHub